Saturday, December 18, 2010

Roberts Quotes for the Week (#27) by Robert Ricciardelli

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Communal Life Heritage by Robert Ricciardelli

Anything of spiritual value is not the result of individual accomplishments but birthed from communal life. All the knowledge and wisdom of God has come to us through the ages through prophets of God, Christ Himself, Saints who went before us, and from all who have played roles in the formation of our hearts. True spiritual knowledge belongs to the communion of God's people and with all glory to God.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Extraordinary Family by Robert Ricciardelli

We are all part of one family "set apart" by God to bring light into the darkness. As ambassadors of His Unshakable Kingdom we represent a people who like anyone else, live ordinary lives and struggle with ordinary problems. What is extraordinary about us is the Spirit within, who gives us overcoming power, clarity, and an unwavering love for God, in bringing His love and service to others each day in His name.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Early Departure, Heavenly Seed by Robert Ricciardelli

Many people have died at a young age leaving many to wonder what impact they may have made if they had led a full life, but their impact and legacy goes far beyond the years they were here. Faithful people always gain in their departure, while depositing eternal seeds of heaven into the hearts of others. They are as much witnesses to Christ as those who have accomplished much or have lived a full life.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beyond Organizational Limitations by Robert Ricciardelli

We often limit the Church to the organizations of people, and the activity of those organizations. But the Church is a organism, a people alive and empowered in Spirit. We reveal the living Christ far beyond the boundaries of any human institution. The Spirit "blows where it pleases", and touches hearts wherever He wants, with no human constraints. People of destiny who proclaim Christ through words and deeds.

The Kingdom Overtakes Man's Ways by Robert Ricciardelli

Religious pedestals and kingdoms of self continue to fall and make way for God's ever coming Kingdom. His Kingdom overtakes mans words, ways, and judgments. His presence filled love pours through lives that are obediently harmonized in Him, and synchronized with each other by His Spirit. The synchronized harmony of God's empowered people, bring witness to the Kingdom, the power, and the glory of God on earth.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Actions Speak Louder Than Words by Robert Ricciardelli

The world sees a church that lives little of what it preaches, often living in opposition to the gospel it pronounces. We give visibility to Jesus in how we live and not what we say. Wherever we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the lonely or rejected, and bring unity and peace to those who are divided, we proclaim Christ and the love of God, whether we speak about Him or not. Actions speak louder than words!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Presence Lives in You by Robert Ricciardelli

God loves His creation beyond the four walls of established religion or congregational meetings. As ambassadors for Christ to the world, we have a larger task beyond the all important fellowship and nurturing of one another. We are a witness of God's love made visible through His presence in our every day lives. Presence does not live in a building, or when the music is playing, for Presence lives in you.
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