Saturday, September 18, 2010

The God Who Makes Things Happen by James Ryle

“You’re the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do — You pulled your people out of the worst kind of trouble, rescued the children of Jacob and Joseph.”      (Psalm 77:14,15, The Message).

The great epic event of the Old Testament was the Exodus — the day God delivered His people out of bondage in Egypt. They were in the worst kind of trouble, and God brought them out of it.

They were up against the impassable Red Sea, and God brought them through it on dry ground. He made a way where there was no way. The armies of Pharaoh were pressing down upon them, but they escaped — while the horse and the rider were drowned in the sea.

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The things that were written in ancient times are alive and relevant for us today. We are filled with hope in our times of difficulty as we gaze back upon what God has done in the past for His people.

And we know that even unto this very day, He is the God who makes things happen. He will make a way where there seems to be no way possible.

As turmoil increases in our world, a noticeable shift will occur in the global mindset — a shift against the Christian Faith. This shift will be the signal that the spirit of Antichrist is making its move. The world will increasingly turn against the God of Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, and against all those who profess Him in any manner.

Call me crazy — but it is going to happen. In fact, to the discerning eye and ear, there are signs all around us now of it already beginning. And with nut-balls calling themselves Christians, and threatening to burn the books of other religions — well, public sentiment will definitely shift. A tipping point will be breached.

And as this shift happens, we ourselves will be set up for yet another remarkable, earth-shaking act of God. He will again show the world what He can do; He will pull His people out of the worst kind of trouble, even though it means we will first have to be in the worst kind of trouble. He will not leave us there.

So when the trouble comes, then know that Deliverance is also on the way. Rejoice my brothers and sisters — we serve the God who makes things happen!

1 comment:

  1. Maranatha!!Bring it. Persecution will separate the sheep from the goats.


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