Saturday, September 18, 2010
Emotional and Spiritual Flow of Life by Robert Ricciardelli
Our emotional and spiritual lives have different dynamics. Our emotional life flows up and down based on current or past conditions. We may be happy, sad, angry, or loving based on current or past happenings. Our spiritual lives flow through obedience, and our attentive listening to the Spirit of God within us. Without this listening, our spiritual life can become subject to the windswept waves of our emotions.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Beyond the Hurts of Life by Robert Ricciardelli
When someone hurts, offends, or rejects us, we can feel a deep urge to retaliate or withdraw into self-rejection. These occasions most often happen unexpectedly. We may ponder for days over words and actions we might use in response to what others have said or done. This is where we must seek God's strength more than ever to bring us beyond our need to hurt others or ourselves, and be free to forgive and to love.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Overcoming Emotions by Robert Ricciardelli
It is very hard to control our emotions, but we can gradually overcome them by living a disciplined spiritual life. This prevents us from reacting to life based on our emotions. We might not "feel" like being nice to a others but as we seek the goodness of God, His love will motivate us to love. As we are led by His Spirit, we will find emotions and moods to have decreasing power over our thoughts and actions.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Emotional Roller Coaster by Robert Ricciardelli
Our emotional lives are constantly shifting up or down and can sometimes flow from extreme joy to tremendous sorrow. Many things outside of our control can trigger such mood swings. Thus it is important to know that our emotional life is not the same as our spiritual life. As we feel our emotions shift we must connect our spirits with the Spirit of God and remind ourselves that what we feel is not who we are.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Children of the Same God by Robert Ricciardelli
As long as there is distance between people all sorts of false thoughts can arise. We may label people, prejudge, avoid contact, and think of them as enemies. We forget that they love like we do, and care for their children as we do. When we cross the bridge to look into one another's eyes we can see that we are all children of the same God and members of the same family called humanity. God loves all and so must we.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Words of Abundant Life by Robert Ricciardelli
God's Word eternally has the power to transform. To reject or neglect it is a sure fire way of losing what we already have. Do not tread lightly on the revelation and illumination of God's word. They are not just good ideas but Words that bring forth abundant life. When we faithfully hear the truths of God and respond, it brings forth life and continual growth in wisdom, stature and favor before God and man.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Living Beyond Chapter and Verse by Robert Ricciardelli
Words minus action becomes lifeless knowledge and a spatter of chatter. Many quote the bible that speaks of God's love, but if they do not live in that love, how much do they really know, and how committed are they in submitting to the Author of love? The world does not need more chapter and verses about love, they just need to witness those who will live in the power of God's love towards them and each other.
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