Saturday, September 4, 2010

Roberts Quotes for the Week (#12) by Robert Ricciardelli

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Highly Favored Children by Robert Ricciardelli

The Blessed and Beloved of the Father resides with you and in you. The Favored Son made the way for you to become a highly favored child of God. Father is now saying, "You are my beloved child, my favor rests on you." When we can hear that voice, trust in it, and always remember it, especially during dark times, we can live our lives as God's blessed children and find the strength to share that blessing with others.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Don't Believe the Hype by Robert Ricciardelli

There are charlatans that may tell or sell you on the latest technique to experience heavenly realms. Do not buy into them. There is a way however to experience all that God has for you. The secret to appropriating your heavenly position: Present your mind, body, and will as a living sacrifice to the Lord. This is the most excellent way, and Father will take you where no man or technique can ever lead you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Chosen of God by Robert Ricciardelli

Being chosen means being loved and singled out as special. In society being chosen implies exclusivity, but this is not true for God's people. God reveals to us our chosenness in Christ. The Kingdom of God is inclusive as each person is precious, unique, and valued. When we enter the realm of His presence, our value is secured and we are empowered to love and value all people, who were created in the image of God.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Do Not Miss Life in the Now by Robert Ricciardelli

We must live in the moment. We can learn, plan, and build for the future, but we must not miss living for the now. Many are the plans of men, but the Lord's plans prevail. His plan is for us to presently abide with Him and others. If we preoccupy our minds with what will happen one day, we may miss real life happening all around us. Pray and plan for the days ahead, but do not miss today, do not miss life in the now.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pursue the Best Things in Life by Robert Ricciardelli

In our pursuit of the finer things in life, we often miss the finest things in life. While we work hard to earn enough money to get us the the things we think matter the most, we become too busy to enjoy and sometimes even take notice of the things that really matter the most. Assess your time and pursuits, and do not settle for the good things in life when you could be enjoying the best things in life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Choose Spirit Directed Living by Robert Ricciardelli

God empowers His people to live a life that is directed by His Spirit. The soul of man can be led by the things of the Spirit or its own mind, will, and emotions. A soul directed by self can lead to many problems for them selves and everyone around them. When one submits their whole life to Spirit and Truth, they transform life around them, reap eternal rewards, and establish a life well pleasing to God.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Becoming Food For the World by Robert Ricciardelli

Jesus became broken and the blessed bread of life for the world. He was chosen, obedient, and lived the sacred journey for the world. He lived His life as a Son, fully pleasing to the Father. As we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, we now live as ambassadors for Him. We commit to conform to a life in His image. We too want to live as people chosen, blessed, and broken, and thus becoming food for the world.

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