Sunday, June 27, 2010

Roberts Quotes for the Week (2) by Robert Ricciardelli

The Power of Humility by Robert Ricciardelli

While seeking humility the Lord may put someone else in our place, and take away all our rights, while telling us, "wait for Me". He will put us through discipline. Letting go of our rights so Father can give us His rights is not an easy road.  It can not be done in the flesh but is a mighty fruit of the Spirit within. You can remain in Him and reign for Him in the power of dwelling in humility.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Living "Departure" Ready by Robert Ricciardelli

Often times a death of a loved one can leave people devastated and permanently wounded. Words of love left unsaid, forgiveness never received or given, or wisdom never imparted. The power and testimony of God's grace can be far reaching when we can communicate love, forgiveness, and wisdom before we depart from this world. If we live this now, our lives can be a gift that carries power and a legacy for those who remain.

Friday, June 25, 2010

False Centers Exposed by Robert Ricciardelli

"Eyes that have not seen will see. Ears that have not heard, will hear My sound. My sound will resonate above the noise of confusion, and beyond the bankruptcy of religion. False centers have risen up and missed My center, which is Me. What they have created and called Me has stood in the way of who I am, and cannot contain I Am. My Kingdom ever expands, and My glory will fill every gap upon the earth.”

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Transformational Habitation of God by Robert Ricciardelli

Many people are looking for a visitation from God, when God is already here, and within us. What we need is a people who will submit their lives to Him and allow His Kingdom purposes to flow through them. As His people allow for His presence to come forth, atmosphere will change and miraculous encounters will be manifested. The habitation of God in us is more than enough to change the world for His glory.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

He Prepares a Place For Us by Robert Ricciardelli

Jesus said that in His Fathers house there are many rooms, and that He would prepare a place for us. Heaven is not our goal but our destiny. In the mean time we do not need to fear death, but embrace life with faith and the favor of God. Death has no sting, but much gain through Christ for eternity. Regarding the place prepared for us, Jesus says, "If it were not so, I would have told you."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Living both Empty and Filled by Robert Ricciardelli

In our journey with Christ we find fulfillment in our pursuit of His desires. We become empty of self in order to be filled by His life and purpose. We empty the cups of our lives completely to be able to receive the fullness of life from God. Jesus experienced on the cross, a moment of complete emptiness and complete fullness. May the cups of our lives be fulfilled through Him.

Drinking from the Cup of Life by Robert Ricciardelli

Are we drinking from the cup of Christ's life? His cup is the way and truth, and His river called Life flows into it. Are we lifting the cup to others so they may drink from His life in us? The cup is filled with joy, sorrows, and experiences, all encompassed in the life we are living. Fill your cups with His goodness, His joy, and His love, and watch your cup overflow into every good thing for His glory.

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