Saturday, October 30, 2010

Roberts Quotes for the Week (#20) by Robert Ricciardelli

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Giving and Receiving Life while Hurt by Robert Ricciardelli

When we have been deeply hurt by another, it is nearly impossible not to have spontaneous hostile thoughts. We find ourselves consumed about what we might say or how we might pay back the person who has hurt us. To bless rather than curse takes great faith and a willingness to go beyond our feelings and choose a life-giving response. In God's Wisdom as we choose to bless we give life and also receive life ourselves.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Choosing Life Discipline by Robert Ricciardelli

Death instead of life, curse instead of blessing can fill our minds. Anger, resentment, greed, lust, and hatred can linger and remain unchallenged. God asks us to choose life and blessing. This choice requires discipline and attentiveness to the darkness within us, and a great commitment to allow life to dominate our thoughts and feelings. We cannot do this alone and need the Lord and encouraging loved ones.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Surrender to God's Plans by Robert Ricciardelli

We cannot please God by what we do for Him in our own human effort, we please Him by surrendering and letting Him work in us and through our lives. A great stumbling block appears when we try to work things out independently of God and then ask God to assist us in our own plans. That must not be, as He has the best plans for us and we must surrender to Him to work His plans. He will then work gloriously with us.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

God Chooses Life For You by Robert Ricciardelli

God presents us with these choices, "life or death", "blessing or cursing." God's will for us is to "Choose "life and blessing," and that choice is ever before us. We choose in every dimension of life, in our thoughts, our words, our attitudes and in our actions. This choice for life begins in our hearts. What we nurture in our hearts will eventually be uncovered. Choose life and reveal a life for God's glory.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Departed Loved Ones Showing the Way by Robert Ricciardelli

Sometimes loved ones become more intimate to us after death than when they were with us in life. They can become daily inspiration for us as we remember what we gleaned from them and received in their love for us. The Lord uses Saints through His Word to instruct us through their faithful historic journeys, and we now have living epistles that walked with us and still live on in our hearts showing the ways of God.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Preparing to Die and Live Well by Robert Ricciardelli

Our own Death can happen suddenly, and we can be prepared by taking care of unfinished relational business. Have I forgiven those who have hurt me and asked forgiveness from those I have hurt? When we are at peace with all people, our death may cause great grief, but we will have removed anger, guilt, and unforgiveness. When we are ready to die, we also are ready for living life to its fullest.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Love is a Risk Worth Taking by Robert Ricciardelli

When we make a decision to love, we open ourselves to suffering, because those we love most can bring us great joy as well as great pain. When a loved one leaves we can experience the worst pain. If we try to avoid suffering that comes from loss, we will never experience the joy of real love. Love is stronger than fear, and life is stronger than death. We must trust, hope, and believe in love as a risk worth taking.
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Cuando David Capturó Jerusalén Por Francis Frangipane

Uno de los grandes errores de la Iglesia es basar su fe y normas de conducta en los logros del ayer. Muchas promesas deben ser cumplidas antes de que Cristo regrese. La Biblia nos dice que la Iglesia experimentara no solo “tiempos peligrosos” en los últimos días (vea 2 Timoteo 3:1). En consecuencia, en medio de los conflictos mundiales, el Reino de Dios sobre la Tierra continuara siendo renovado y restaurado ¡hasta que se amolde al Reino de Dios en el cielo! Espere ver nuevas cosechas y expresiones de la gloria y el poder de Dios. ¡Deberíamos esperar ver maravillas que nuestros padres no vieron (vea Hechos 2:19 -21)! Si, y también confiemos en que las promesas que no pudimos llegar a poseer, nuestros hijos andarán en ellas.

Podemos encontrar ánimo y guía una vez mas en la vida del rey David. El nació en un tiempo similar al nuestro. Los hebreos estaban en la Tierra Prometida, pero Vivian aun con enemigos que no habían conquistado. Cuando David se convirtió en rey, supo que Dios había prometido mas para Israel de lo que los judíos habían alcanzado. En particular, el hecho de que los jebuseos todavía ocupaban el área ahora conocida como Jerusalén. Pero si David se hubiera medido a si mismo por el éxito de sus antecesores, nunca hubiera pensado en un ataque a los jebuseos. Ellos eran un pueblo rudo de montana y, a pesar de estar en la lista de naciones prontas a ser desposeídas por Israel, nunca habían sido conquistados.

Piense en esto: los grandes héroes de Israel desde Josué a los jueces habían tratado de conquistar a los jebuseos, y habían fallado. Por eso, los jebuseos se mostraban despectivos cuando oían de los planes de David de poseer su ciudad principal, Jebús (Jerusalén). Se burlaban del joven rey, diciendo: “Tu no entraras acá, pues aun los ciegos y los cojos te echaran” (2 Samuel 5:6).

Aquí hay dos lecciones. Primero, para todos los que sean ver las asombrosas promesas de Dios cumplidas, Dios les dice, “No se dejen condicionar por el pasado!” Solo porque no han visto el poder de Dios manifestado sobre sus iglesias o naciones, no piensen que Dios nunca lo hará. El puede cambiar la situación del día a la noche.

La segunda lección es esta: probablemente no será el diablo en persona quien venga a amedrentarnos; mas bien, deberíamos guardarnos del mal consejo de cristianos escépticos. Recuerde: el sarcasmo de los jebuseos fue que “aun los ciegos y los cojos te echaran”.  Podemos estar firmes en la fe en contra de las huestes de maldad, solo para ser vencidos por “los ciegos y los cojos” espirituales que se sientan junto a nosotros en la iglesia.

¿Quienes son los ciegos? Dicho simplemente, son los que no ven la visión que usted ve.  Están ciegos al futuro de fe que Dios ha puesto en su corazón.  No podemos dejar que las personas que no ven nuestra visión  nos aconsejen. Cuidado con hacerse el comprensivo hacia los que están espiritualmente ciegos. Un poco de levadura de incredulidad  puede socavar su fe en tiempo de batalla.  Junto con los ciegos espirituales están los cojos emocionales. Son personas  que han tropezado con algo- o con alguien – en el pasado. Por ende, ya no pueden avanzar con Cristo.  Cuídese de contarle sus sueños a los cínicos. Si hacemos oídos a las advertencias de los “cojos”, solo será cuestión de tiempo antes de que la herida y desgracia de ellos agoten nuestras fuerzas; nosotros también nos volveremos demasiado cautos y sospechosos.

Aunque es verdad que necesitamos consejo de otros cristianos, y que debemos permanecer en una actitud perdonadora y amable hacia aquellos que se oponen, no podemos permitir que las palabras de los ciegos espirituales y los cojos emocionales nos guíen.
La Palabra es Dios

En nuestro mundo, nuestros reales enemigos no son las personas, mas las fuerzas espirituales de maldad que influencian nuestras comunidades. Y recordemos: si somos nosotros los que sufrimos de ceguera o renguera espiritual, Jesús puede sanarnos. Pero el hecho es que, como los jebuseos, Satanás ha observado los fracasos de muchos cristianos. Uno puede sentir el desprecio del diablo cuando los pastores e intercesores oran por un avivamiento nacional o mundial. Las burlas del diablo no son infundadas porque, hablando en términos generales, nuestros antecesores no lograron desalojar las fortalezas de maldad de sus ciudades. La historia esta del lado del adversario.

Pero Dios nos ha dado Su inalterable, inmutable Palabra. El promete:

“Aunque la visión tardara aun por un tiempo, mas se apresura hacia el fin, y no mentira; aunque tardare, espéralo, porque sin duda vendrá, no tardara. He aquí que aquel cuya alma no es recta, se enorgullece; mas el justo por su fe vivirá”.

Habacuc 2:3-4

Vivir “por fe” es creer a Dios hasta que la visión que nos dio se cumpla. David creyó en Dios, y a pesar de que la historia estaba  del lado de los jebuseos, leemos: “Pero David tomo la fortaleza de Sion, la cual es la ciudad de David” (2 Samuel 5:7).

Había algo en David desde sus anos de juventud, que lo impulsaba hacia la victoria sobre los jebuseos. De hecho, las Escrituras nos dicen que cuando era todavía un jovencito, después de matar a Goliat, “tomo la cabeza del filisteo y la trajo a Jerusalén” (1 Samuel 17:54). Recuerde que en ese tiempo Jerusalén se llamaba Jebús y estaba ocupada por los jebuseos. Era como si estuviera diciendo: “Ok, solo soy un joven, pero he conquistado al gigante filisteo. Recuérdenme, porque volveré”. En menos de veinte años David regreso, esta vez como rey de Israel. Tal como conquistó a Goliat, conquistó también la fortaleza de los jebuseos y fue llamada, “la ciudad de David”, aunque pronto se la conoció como Jerusalén.

Vea, no se trata de la realización de nosotros mismos, sino del cumplimiento de la Palabra de Dios. La Palabra de Dios no puede volver vacía, sin cumplir el propósito para el que fue enviada. Cuando el rey David oyó el escarnio de los jebuseos, no se volvió por su camino desanimado; tampoco su fe fue aplastada por los fracasos de sus antepasados. En cambio – y esto es importante – David interpreto la batalla a la luz de las promesas de Dios. Estaba en juego la integridad de la promesa del Señor a Abraham y su simiente: “Tu descendencia poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos” (Génesis 22:17). Mientras el enemigo podía tener la historia de su lado, ¡David tenia la Palabra inalterable de Dios del suyo!

Es la herencia de los descendientes espirituales de Abraham el traer la influencia prevaleciente de Dios a sus comunidades, y, a través de Cristo, poseerlas. ¡No es mi palabra o la suya, sino la promesa del Dios Todopoderoso! El lo dijo y El lo hará. Su pueblo poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos. ¡Es reprochable que el diablo quiera nuestras ciudades mas de lo que nosotros las queremos! El deseo de David por Jerusalén era un deseo santo que le vino de Cristo, porque lo que externamente iba a ser la ciudad de David, pronto seria en realidad la ciudad de Dios.

Como David simplemente creyó las promesas de Dios, así también debemos hacerlo nosotros. El Señor ha jurado que “andarán las naciones a tu luz”(Isaías 60:3).  ¿A quien le creeremos?  Tomaremos consejos de los ciegos si ellos no pueden ver el potencial que vemos nosotros? Tomemos a Dios por Su palabra. Permítame decirlo nuevamente: Jesús mismo asegura que “todo es posible para aquel que cree” (Marcos 9:23). ¿Usted cree? ¿O es simplemente un incrédulo bueno que va a la iglesia?

Amado, si fracasamos, no es una vergüenza. Simplemente engrosamos las filas de los héroes espirituales que fueron delante de nosotros y “murieron. . . sin haber recibido lo prometido” (Hebreos 11:13).  En verdad, es mejor morir en fe que vivir en duda. Pero considere: ¿Que si lo logramos? ¿Que si a través del proceso de creer en Dios, El imparte en nosotros la perseverancia de Cristo y su carácter, y al hacerlo encontramos a Dios ayudándonos a volver nuestra tierra hacia El?

Señor, Tu prometiste que las naciones vendrían a nuestra luz. Perdóname por dudar y por dejarme condicionar por los errores o logros del pasado! Creo que Has preparado nuestra nación para grandes cosas. Seguiremos Tu promesa de desalojar a nuestros enemigos, tal como David conquisto la gran ciudad que llevaría el nombre de Jerusalén! En el nombre de Jesús, amen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 El mensaje precedente fue adaptado de una capitulo en el libro de Francis, "Alístese junto al Señor de los Ejércitos” publicado en español por editorial Peniel. 

When David Captured Jerusalem by Francis Frangipane

One of the great errors of the Church is to base its faith and standards by yesterday's achievements. Many promises must be fulfilled before Jesus returns. The Bible tells us that the Church will experience not only "perilous times" in the last days (see 2 Timothy 3:1, KJV), but seasons of renewal and restoration (see Acts 3:21). Consequently, in the midst of worldwide conflicts, the Kingdom of God on earth will continually be restored and renewed until it is conformed to the Kingdom of God in heaven! Plan on seeing new harvests and expressions of God's glory and power. We should expect to see wonders that our fathers did not see (see Acts 2:19–21)! Yes, and let us also trust that the promises we fail to possess, our children will walk in.

We can find encouragement and guidance once again in the life of King David. He was born into a time similar to ours. The Hebrews were in the Promised Land, but they shared the land with unconquered enemies. When David became king, he knew that God had promised more for Israel than the Jews had attained. In particular was the fact that the Jebusites still occupied the area now known as Jerusalem. Now if David measured himself by the success of his predecessors, he never would have contemplated an attack against the Jebusites. The Jebusites were a fierce mountain people and, in spite of being on the list of nations to be dispossessed by Israel, they had never been conquered.

Think of it: Israel's greatest heroes from Joshua to the judges had tried and failed to conquer the Jebusites. Thus, the Jebusites were contemptuous when they heard of David's plan to possess their chief city, Jebus (Jerusalem). They mocked Israel's young king, saying, "You shall not come in here, but the blind and lame will turn you away" (2 Samuel 5:6).

There are two lessons here. First, for everyone who desires to see the awesome promises of God fulfilled, the Lord is saying to us all, Don't be conditioned by the past! Just because you have not seen the manifest power of God over your church or city or nation, God can change everything overnight.

The second lesson is this: It probably will not be the devil himself who comes out to defeat us; rather, we must guard against the misguided advice of unbelieving Christians. Remember, the taunt of the Jebusites was that the "blind and lame shall turn you away." We may stand firm in faith against the spiritual hosts of wickedness only to be defeated by the spiritually "blind and lame" sitting next to us in church.

Who are the "blind?" Put simply, they are the ones who do not see the vision you see. They are blind to the faith-future God has put in your heart. We cannot let people who do not see our visions become our counselors. Beware of becoming sympathetic toward the spiritually blind. A little leaven of their unbelief can undermine your faith in a time of battle.

Along with the spiritually blind are the emotionally "lame." These are people who have stumbled over something (or someone) in the past. They no longer walk stride for stride with Christ. Beware of sharing your dreams with cynics. If we heed the warnings of the "lame," it will only be a matter of time before their excuses will deplete our strength; we, too, will become overly cautious and suspicious.

Although we need counsel from other Christians, and we must remain forgiving and kind toward those in opposition, we cannot allow the words of the spiritually blind and the emotionally lame to guide us.

The Word Is God
In our world, our real enemies are not people, but the spiritual forces of evil influencing our communities. And let us remember: If we are suffering from being lame or blind, Jesus can heal us. But the fact is, like those Jebusites, Satan has watched the failures of many Christians before us. One can sense the devil's scorn as pastors and intercessors pray for citywide or national revival. The devil's taunts are not without substance for, generally speaking, our spiritual forebears did not succeed in dislodging the strongholds of wickedness from their cities. History is indeed on the adversary's side.

But God has given us His unalterable, immutable word. He promises:

    For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay. Behold, as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him; but the righteous will live by his faith.                   — Habakkuk 2:3-4

To "live by faith" is to believe God until the vision He gave comes to pass. David believed God, and in spite of history being on the side of the Jebusites, we read: "Nevertheless, David captured the stronghold of Zion" (2 Samuel 5:7).

There was something in David from his early years that urged him toward the goal of victory over the Jebusites. In fact, Scripture tells us that when David was still just a youth, after he killed Goliath, he took the "Philistine's head and brought it to Jerusalem" (1 Samuel 17:54). Remember, at that time Jerusalem was called Jebus and was occupied by the Jebusites. It was as though he were saying, "Okay, I'm just a young buck, but I've conquered this Philistine giant. Remember me, I will be back." Fewer than twenty years later David returned, now as king of Israel. As he had conquered Goliath, so he conquered the stronghold of the Jebusites and it was renamed the "City of David," though it soon became known as Jerusalem.

You see, this is not about the fulfillment of our lives but the fulfillment of God's Word. God's Word cannot return to Him void without fulfilling the purpose for which He spoke it. When King David heard the taunts of the Jebusites, he did not draw back in unbelief; neither was his faith crushed because of his ancestors' failures. Instead—and this is important—David interpreted the battle in light of the promises of God. At stake was the integrity of the Lord's personal promise to Abraham and to his seed: "Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies" (Genesis 22:17, NIV). While the enemy may have had history on its side, David had the unalterable Word of God on his side!

It is the heritage of Abraham's spiritual offspring to bring the prevailing influence of God into their communities and, through Christ, possess cities. That is not my word or yours, but the promise of God Almighty! He said it and He will fulfill it. His people shall possess the gates of their enemies. It is a reproach to us that the devil wants our cities more than the Church does! David's desire for Jerusalem was a godly desire that came to him from Christ, for what outwardly was to become David's city was soon to become the city of God.

As David simply believed God's promises, so also must we. The Lord has sworn that "nations will come to [our] light" (Isaiah 60:3). Whom shall we believe? Shall we take counsel from the blind if they cannot see the potential we see? Let us take God at His word. Let me state this again: Jesus Himself assures us that "All things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23). Do you believe? Or are you just a nice unbeliever who goes to church?

Beloved, if we fail, it is no great shame. We simply join the ranks of the spiritual heroes who went before us and "died in faith, without receiving the promises" (Hebrews 11:13). In truth, it is better to die in faith than to live in doubt. But consider: What if we succeed? What if, through the process of believing God, He imparts to us Christ's perseverance and His character, and in so doing we find God helping us turn our land back to Him.

Lord, You have promised that nations shall come to our light. Forgive me for wavering in unbelief and from the conditioning of yesterday's failures or attainments! I believe that You have prepared our nation for great things. We will follow Your promise to dislodge our enemies, even as David conquered the great city that would bear the name Jerusalem! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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The preceding message is adapted from a chapter in Francis' book, This Day We Fight published by Chosen Books. For ordering information, please visit the Arrow Bookstore at

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Original Apostolic Versus the New by David Ravenhill

David Ravenhill is a friend. He is uncompromising in His pursuit of Christ and His Kingdom, much like his father Leonard was. Depending on how you look at these comaprisons below you will either laugh or cry but the truth as funny as it may seem is very real and very grievous. I feel like we may have some amens to David's comparison of the credentials of an apostle. R.R.

‘You put to the test those who call themselves apostle and they are not, and you found them to be false.’ Revelation 2:2

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Praying for Those in Authority by James W. Goll

Primary Verse:  I Timothy 2:1-4
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.  This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 
Early National American Foundations
A review of the Christian influence in the development of our constitutional form of government shows that the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was the first written constitution known in history which created a government, and from which the government of the United States is in lineal descent.  It was inspired by and had its origin in a sermon preached by Rev. Thomas Hooker in Hartford on May 31, 1638.  Rev. Hooker took as his sermon text Deuteronomy 1:13-15 - Take your wise men, and men of understanding, known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you ... captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds ... over fifties ... over tens, etc.  From this biblical injunction, Rev. Hooker reasoned that:
  1. The choice of public magistrates belongs unto the people by God’s own allowance.
  2. The privilege of election, which belongs unto the people, therefore must not be exercised according to their humors, but according to the blessed law of God.
  3. They who have power to anoint officers and magistrates, it is their power, also, to set the bounds of the power and the place unto which they call them.
Thomas Hooker’s concluding exhortation in his sermon was, “As God hath spared our lives, and given us them in liberty, so to seek the guidance of God, and to choose in God and for God.”  Along with Thomas Hooker, I believe we should use our God-given liberty to choose carefully and prayerfully those men who are to make the laws by which we must abide.
Daniel Webster
"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering ... but if we neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all of our glory in profound obscurity."
Key Scriptures of God’s View of Authority
  1. Rom. 13:1-7 - Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.  Therefore, he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.  For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil.  Do you want to have no fear of authority?  Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good.  But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.  Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience' sake.  For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.  Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. 
  2. 1 Pet. 2:17 - Honor all men; love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.
  3. Prov. 24:21 - My son, fear the Lord and the king; do not associate with those who are given to change ...
  4. Is. 40:15-17 - Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales; behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust.  Even Lebanon is not enough to burn, nor its beasts enough for a burnt offering.  All the nations are as nothing before Him, they are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless.  
  5. Prov. 29:2 - When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan. 
  6. Prov. 14:34 - Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
  7. Prov. 29:14 - If a king judges the poor with truth, His throne will be established forever. 
  8. Ps. 33:12 - Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance. 
Andrew Murray’s Response to 1 Timothy 2:1-2
“What a faith in the power of prayer!  A few feeble and despised Christians are to influence the mighty Roman emperors, and help in securing peace and quietness.  Let us believe that prayer is a power that is taken up by God in His rule of the world.  Let us pray for our country and its rulers, for all the rulers of the world; for rulers in cities or districts in which we are interested.  When God’s people unite in this, they may count upon their prayers effecting in the unseen world more than they know.  Let faith hold this fast.”
Dick Eastman - Director of Every Home For Christ
Dick Eastman gives three key scriptures for our understanding on this subject.
  1. Proverbs 28:2 - prayer for knowledge and understanding.
  2. 2 Kings 19:27-28 - A biblical perspective on dealing with tyrant kings.
  3. Micah 6:8 - Micah Plan - claim the leader will govern.
    1. Honestly - To do justly.
    2. Humbly - To love mercy.
    3. In meekness - To walk humbly (be a servant rather than a master).
Jack W. Hayford – Former Sr. Pastor of Church On The Way
“You and I can help decide whether ... blessing or curse ... happens on earth.  We will determine whether God’s goodness is released toward specific situations or whether the power of sin and Satan is permitted to prevail.  Prayer is the determining factor.”
Derek Prince – Late International Bible Teacher on 1 Timothy 2:1-4
If you bypass prayer, you can have all sorts of plans, systems, and programs, but you do not have the power to operate them.  It is like having a building wired for electricity, but not connected to the generator.  Nothing is going to work.  The wires may be in good order and the light fixtures may be wonderful, but you are not going to get results because there is no power!  The powerhouse of the Christian Church is prayer, and Paul very logically says, First of all prayer!
Prayer is the priority.
  1. Who for?  Men, kings, all in authority.
  2. What topic?  Good government.
  3. Why? 
    1. So that we may have peace and order.
    2. For the propagation of the Gospel.
    3. Because God desires all men to be saved.
Scriptural Prayers
    1. Prov. 21:1 - The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.
    2. Prov. 29:14 - If a king judges the poor with truth, his throne will be established forever.
    3. Prov. 25:5 - As the heavens for height and the earth for depth, so the heart of kings is unsearchable.  Take away the dross from the silver, and there comes out a vessel for the smith; take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne will be       established in righteousness.
    4. Isa. 40:23 - He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.
    5. Psa. 119:126 - It is time for the Lord to act, For they have broken Thy law.
    6. 2 Chr. 7:14 - And My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Just Do It!
It now becomes time not just to listen to the wisdom of scriptures and church fathers. Now is the time to pause and pray for those in authority. The future of your city and or nation might just depend on it. Pause right now and just do it!
I trust this outline is helpful and will guide believers across the U. S. and in other countries in a scriptural basis of the important of praying for our leaders. Pass this on to others and urge them to pray with understanding for All Those in Authority. 

Dr. James W. Goll

Traumatic Traits of Fatherless Men by Joseph Mattera

There is a dearth of fatherlessness in the world and in the church today. The emotional and spiritual effects of this have been nothing less than catastrophic! The following are some of the symptoms of fatherlessness. (This can be applied to both natural and spiritual fathers.)

I. There is an insecurity and/or a sense of inferiority because of neglect, lack of affirmation, or abandonment

Some men continually walk around with insecurities that negatively impact the way they relate in business, ministry, and marriage. They never fully trust their abilities and hence, they don’t always trust others around them to do the right thing towards them. This sense of inferiority causes them to try to hide their low self-esteem by projecting a machismo persona full of confidence, but inside their souls they are always afraid.

II. There is a fierce independence because of a lack of trust of all authority figures

Some men who have experienced fatherlessness have a hard time inwardly submitting to any form of spiritual authority, even if they outwardly attempt to do so. They mostly make their own decisions without getting real counsel, and if they do get counsel, they will ultimately do what they want anyway because they don’t believe anyone fully looks out for their interests.

III. There is a great competitive drive due to comparisons with other men

Some men’s insecurities result in them constantly comparing themselves with other men. If they are ministers, they compare themselves with fellow ministers in their region.  They are always trying to out-do other men as if ministry were a sport. For example, I know some ministers who, when talking about themselves or their ministries, constantly make statements like “our church is growing in record numbers,” or “we have the largest pastoral group in the city” or “we are the church called of God to reach the city.” They use competitive language with a super-spiritual religious tinge, but it is merely fleshly competition that is not purely motivated by a leading of the Lord.

IV. There is a selfish ambition is driven by an innate sense of trying to please their fathers

Many fatherless men are psychologically living their lives to prove themselves to their fathers (whether alive or dead) that they are valuable, that they are worthy of their father’s love. The interesting thing about this is, they may even hate their fathers emotionally but not be aware that they are emotionally geared to finally secure the approval of their fathers. (This can also apply to spiritual fathers.)

V. There is an inability to relate to their own biological and spiritual sons

I have tried to minister to men who have not had the benefit of a natural father’s input and love. Many have no clue as to how they can emotionally connect with their sons and daughters.

One man I know didn’t do anything but play video games with his son. When I asked why he couldn’t have a decent conversation with his son, he told me he tried but didn’t know how. He confessed that he had no idea how to be a father to his son because he never had a father in his life.

VI. There is a lack of comfort around spiritual fathers

Many fatherless men with anger and trust issues regarding their fathers have a hard time when they are with those in the Body of Christ called to be spiritual fathers--especially one assigned to that (fatherless) man. They clam up and stop speaking freely, or they get nervous and try hard to know how to relate and please them, or they hide their struggles from them because they are afraid the spiritual father will use it against them and hold them back from their destiny.

VII. There is confusion as to their purpose and identity in Christ

Many fatherless men have a hard time internally trying to figure out who they are and what they are called to do. They struggle with their identity. They may even be the most successful business people in the world but they are never sure of themselves and often grapple with confusion, fear and anger, and don’t understand the root cause of it all. Some of the highest suicide rates in the world are in the most affluent demographics of our nation. This shows that worldly or even ministerial success can never fill the vast void in the souls of many fatherless men.

VIII. When a man feels threatened by the success of his spiritual sons

When fatherless men become spiritual leaders, some tend to use spiritual sons to advance their own agendas but never make room for them to blossom and reach their potential in Christ.  They feel threatened when their sons begin to come to maturity; they are afraid to let them preach or lead to the fullest capacity because the insecurities in their own souls causes them to compare themselves with their sons, and it torments them. Hence, they hold their sons under their thumbs. This results in many sons becoming frustrated and rebellious, starting their own churches, or even leaving the faith.

IX. When it is hard to connect to the love of God the Father

Some fatherless men have a hard time fellowshipping and enjoying their Father in heaven because they have a works mentality with God and try to approach Him with their own sense of perfection to prove their worth. This is because they didn’t have a good earthly model of fatherhood from their natural fathers and have no understanding of how to relate to God the Father and His unconditional love.

X. Having an autocratic style of leadership in one’s churches, businesses and families

Because fatherless men never emotionally connected with their earthly fathers, many do not know how to relate or trust others who work for them or are under their care in their families. The result is a top-down autocratic style of leadership that doesn’t leave room for meaningful input, counsel, or shared leadership decisions. They may even preach teamwork but ultimately the decision-making process is limited to what they want.

XI. There are often feelings of loneliness and emptiness because nothing satisfies the hole in their hearts

No matter how many people are around them, many fatherless men often feel like outsiders--never able to fully enjoy the company of others because they are not comfortable in their own skin. They don’t know where they fit in and are constantly gripped with a sense of emptiness that no amount of activity, crowds, money, accolades, or success could fill.

XII. There is an inability to enjoy the present and a desire to always focus on an unreachable future

Many fatherless men are always striving, never satisfied, and never happy. Thus they are always looking to a better future and never enjoy the present.

XIII. There is continual friction with other leaders and men

When some fatherless men become leaders, the combination of competitiveness, insecurity, and lack of trust proves to be a deadly combustion that leads to much friction with other marketplace or church leaders. They are always thinking that someone is plotting against them, or speaking badly about them, or is trying to undermine their ministry or work. This leads to frosty relationships and even outright quarrels and divisions.

At best, many fatherless leaders have superficial relationships with those they deem threats to their leadership and keep them at arms length unless they need them for something that advances their agendas. Titus 1:13-14 teaches that to the pure all things are pure, but to those defiled is nothing pure. This teaches that we often put our own spin on events in our lives and project wrong motives onto other people because we ourselves have impure motives towards others.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Survive the Waiting Game by John Paul Jackson

Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage;Yes, wait for the LORD. ­— Psalm 27:14, NASB

No matter what God has called us to do, one of the most difficult things we will face is the in-between time. In the beginning, he prepares our hearts for the calling. He gives us a glimpse of His plans for us, and it births great hope within us.

The difficulty is that there is always a time lag between the initial preparation and the outcome. The beginning often carries a great emotional surge. We know what God said, and we know we will see it happen, no matter what the enemy may throw at us in the process. Our faith is as tall as the mountains. We feel invincible in God’s promise. We take the initial steps and are excited to see the fruit of our labors.

But then comes the waiting.

The days become weeks and months, and we have to wait for what God has promised us. Many of us don’t handle the waiting very well. Our hope begins to waver. We begin to forget the glorious promises God gave us and how it felt when we heard His voice. So many of us lose heart during the time lag.

What can we do to gain heart during this waiting period?

1. Be willing to rest

Hearing God’s voice is like finding a well in the desert. We do not survive on our own thoughts or strength or goodness, and as we discover this, we discover reality and true freedom in Christ. His presence is our lifeblood, and He is His peace, which is the foundation for hearing His voice. It will be very difficult for us to stir up our hearts, and keep them passionate and alive, without being willing to rest in His presence.

So in the midst of waiting for change, we need to be willing to rest. In the New American Standard translation of Psalm 24:17, it reads, “Let your heart take courage.” If we are worrying and striving and trying to make things happen, it will be very difficult for us to find our peace in God. It will be difficult for us to remember Him.

This week, if you find yourself brought low by anxiety, despair or the apparent lack of movement in your life, let your heart take courage by being quiet in His presence. This is the starting point for everything we do. There, God will prepare us for the change He is bringing and for the next step in the promise He has given us.

2. Be captivated

Paul wrote in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The level of “hearing” that Paul talked about means to be enraptured, to be captivated, to be totally consumed, to be focused on the Word — that is what increases our faith.

What has God told you? Be like the persistent widow in Luke 18 who would not allow the judge to forget her case. If it has been awhile since you have actively remembered the promise God gave you, change that. Think about it. Remember it. Write it on a note card and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Be captivated by God. Open your heart to hearing His quiet voice in the area of His promise.

3. Be willing to take risks

Finally, we need to consider taking steps we have never taken before. Perhaps God has already set up everything we need, and the only thing left for us to do now is take the risk that He’s calling us to take at the time he’s calling us to take it.

Peter took a lot of risks. The New Testament is filled with wild stories about him. Something daring and unorthodox was in him from the beginning. He didn’t always take the right risks, yet God never chastised him for being zealous.

If you do these three things — rest in God, be captivated by Him, and be willing to take the risks He sets before you to take — you are guaranteed to see change because you are seeking God. You are holding on to His promises, and you are remembering His voice. You are honoring Him, and that is no small thing.

Today, be strong and let your heart take courage.

The Strength of an Anchored Life by James Ryle

“The lines of purpose in your lives never grow slack, tightly tied as they are to your future in heaven, kept taut by hope”(Colossians 1:5, The Message).

How well is your life anchored in this shifting, titling world?

Some are carried about by every wind, and tossed about by every wave. The changing tides affect their ups and downs, and their ins and outs. But there is a better way to live; a way that is much less flimsy and unstable. You and I can live an Anchored Life.

When we are tethered to Truth, and full of a hope that goes beyond this world into eternity, we can face whatever comes our way with unflinching resolve. Each day is filled with purpose and revitalizing energy. Such is the power of Hope.

Morrison wrote, “Hope is the kindly instrument of God for rescuing mankind from inactivity and stagnation.” What a gift God has given us! There is nothing more empowering to the human soul than hope; and, conversely, nothing more destructive than hopelessness.

Thomas Carlyle observed, “In idleness there is perpetual despair.” The hopeless man is forever idle.

You and I were created by God for a purpose that fulfills us; but this purpose can only reach its full potential when we are anchored by Hope that stretches beyond this world. A man or woman with Heaven on their mind is not easily impressed or distracted with the things of this fallen world. They live with a purpose that never grows slack; and the engine of their lives burns with a fuel that is supplied from God Himself — a supply that never runs out.

May God fill you with hope! May you live Today in hope of a better Tomorrow. May you work, play, rest, and live in the unshakable assurance that the Lord Jesus has vouchsafed your future in the Kingdom of Heaven, and even now extends the benefits of that inheritance into your world her on earth!

May you live the Anchored Life!

Selective Obedience by Dudley Hall

Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of following Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ... (Philippians 3:8)

A great revelation is underway: God is exposing the fallacy of the "American Dream" gospel in order for his people to embrace the gospel of the New Testament.

A popular version of the lesser gospel that is being exposed involves using biblical principles to improve one's life. Those who look at the Bible as an instruction book have not interpreted it correctly.  The Bible is a narrative of God's progressive revelation climaxing in the exaltation of Christ. Instead of allowing the New Testament to reveal the full revelation of God's nature and purpose, many have selected some principles that seem to make life work better and tried to apply them to the goal of attaining the fulfillment of personal aspirations.  This inevitably leads to an adoption of the Old Testament's definition of terms and seeking to use Jesus to get desired results. Taking the shadows of the Old Testament revelation as ultimate, one can define prosperity in terms of physical comfort, convenience, power and influence. Jesus is simply part of the equation to reach those goals.

How different is the New Testament gospel! It interprets the shadows of the Old Testament as pointing to the substance of a life of intimate fellowship with God himself where he alone is sufficient to satisfy all legitimate desires. Paul got it. He had only one goal - to discover the riches hidden in Christ. He was willing to undertake whatever it took to find those riches. 

We tend to take some of the commands of Christ seriously, and others we dismiss. We like it when we are commanded to "come unto me all of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Yet we choose to reinterpret the command to "go and make disciples of all nations." We conclude that is for the preachers and missionaries and not for the rest.  If we should apply that command, it might interfere with our goals to live in prosperity and peace in the comforts of our American Dream.  Now that there is evidence that the Dream is not producing what it promised, we are praying and working for ways to return to the principles that will restore the former "prosperity."

There is a higher goal. We have been invited by God himself to enjoy the fellowship of the Godhead. We can be as delighted in God the Father as Jesus is. We can enjoy the love of the Father as much as Jesus does. We can be a part of the divine plan to proclaim the good news that God is reconciling the world unto himself through Jesus. There is a life to be embraced. It is called eternal life, and it is not primarily about going to heaven. It is about a satisfying relationship available now.

Monday, October 25, 2010

When Kingdom Appears, Hell Dies! by Dr.Undrai & Bridget Fizer

When the Awakening of the Kingdom Appears, HELL DIES! 
Dr.Undrai & Bridget Fizer,
When LOVE is perfected within us, "the need for acceptance becomes an irrelevant reality!" We are the Father's "natural children." We were not made by another "and then, by way of spiritual sympathy, found by the Lord!" We were all "formed, born, and created in God, by God, through God, and for God! We possess an Unlimited Kingdom kinship in God and in Christ. I John 4:13-18

We are in a Divine Day, as we speak. The Love of Christ is being "transformed" within us and a Divine Awakening is taking over not only the Church, "but every individual" who has become aware of their birthright in God! This Awakening cannot be "scheduled, or even presented in conference form," but it is taking place right now, as we speak, within the Consciousness of every person who has become "intrigued," by this "God thing" that has taken over their conversations. The Spirit of the Kingdom has begun to "create an inner question, and a Divine Ache," which is causing people to not seek after "religion as we know it," but Divine Fulfillment and a "connection with a Depth of Spirituality that does not make them "mere members of movements," but "Moving Facilitators of the Divine Nature of Christ in the earth!" They are not afraid to be seen as "the sons of God in flesh of many colors, hues, and genders!"

There is an "appearance of The Christ" that is taking place within the dreams, ideas, inventions, and art of many! There is a "rapture" that is happening "before the Rapture!" Many are being "taken up in the Spirit of the Mind" and seeing Jesus face to face, or even Spirit to Spirit! The Thoughts that are empowering them to forget their present limitations, sicknesses and poverty, are actually serving their lives as "the ministering Spirits of God!" In this Divine Day, your Thoughts "are serving YOU as the Angels of the Lord, residing within your mind, spirit, and Imagination!" Oh what a DAY we are living in! You should be excited!

When YOU "have embraced your kinship with God," the need to strive for an audience with your Father "will be over!" There is no need to "pay" for a Moment with your Dad! Every son should know that they naturally possess "assets of the Father!" But a stranger will naturally seek "access" to the Owner of a Thing! Sons naturally possess "access" to the Father because they are of the same Nature and reside in the same House! Access is irrelevant to the sons, while only relevant to those who "live outside of the House!" Access can only be granted to those "who live outside!"

As this Awakening is continually manifested and experienced within the "seeker," "Hell, as we know it, DIES!" When Awakening appears, "hell dies!" Discontentment dies. Poverty dies! Fear dies! Disease dies! Doubt dies! Unbelief dies! Procrastination dies! Blindness dies! You get the picture. When the Awakening of the Son appears within YOU, "hell dies!" If hell is yet alive in you however, Christ has not yet appeared in Glory within the Mind! I John 3:8

The Lord has released it. It is here. This Awakening is residing in the world, touching men, women, children, of every thought, religious concept, and hamlet everywhere. Believe me when I say, He is here. His Mind is here. His Spirit is here. You must also understand that various religious thoughts do not intimidate God. He isn't threatened by others spiritual ignorance or ways of thinking. He is God by Himself. He isn't threatened by the beliefs of another. He isn't moved to sadness by the doubt of another. He is God and He is God by Himself! He isn't intimidated by the fear of another or how He is perceived by another! He is not "human" where He desires acceptance to be embraced! He is far beyond that and way above that! For acceptance, we all may "compromise" here and there. But we are connected and created by a God that need not compromise Himself, His Nature, or His Mind. Acts 17:16-31

Yes, the Awakening is within YOU! And when it appears, "hell will die!"

Visionary Advancement Strategies Newsletter October 24, 2010

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God bless,
From the Ricciardelli's and the CZN team.
The Church is the people of God. We are called out from self and into fusion with God Almighty in bringing His Kingdom glory to earth. We are called from slavery to freedom, despair to hope, darkness to light, manifesting to the world as His children and empowered by His Majestic Spirit. We must envision people of all ages, races, and societies supporting one another while establishing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 4:16 - the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Ephesians 5:14 - for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

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Pondering Quote of the week -
Thoughts Determine Much by Robert Ricciardelli
Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts matter in how you communicate and relate. Your thoughts also impact your behavior and response to the world around you. Your response to this life determines your success in becoming a change agent for good, and a change agent for God. A disciplined and Spirit directed life fulfill God's plan and destiny that He established for you before the foundation of the earth.
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